Kennedy Bay Members Club Local Rules (Updated 30 April 2024)


These rules are to be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf, and any other local rules that are on the Club Noticeboard.

  • Note the penalty for a breach of a Local Rule is the General Penalty (Loss of hole in Match Play or a two-stroke penalty in Stroke Play).


  1. Abnormal Course Condition (Rule 16) - all damage on greens
  2. Out of Bounds (Rule 18)
  3. Abnormal Course Condition (Rule 16) - kangaroo damage in bunkers
  4. No Play Zones (Rule 16.1)
  5. Preferred Lies
  6. Immovable Obstructions (e.g. Sprinkler Heads) close to Putting Greens - Line of Play Interference.


1.        Players may take relief from all damage on putting greens (Rule 16.1D)


Damage on a putting green is defined as any repaired or unrepaired area that is so nominated by the marker. This includes damage that has been repaired by being filled with sand. Furthermore, compacted soil or dead sections of grass are considered damage on the putting surface.


Note: Pitch marks and old hole replacements are NOT considered damage on the putting surface.


A player is eligible for relief without penalty to the nearest point on the putting green if:

  • Their ball lies in or touches a damaged portion of the green,
  • The damage interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing,
  • Or if the damage interferes with the player’s intended line of play.


Note: If complete relief is impossible on the putting surface, the player may elect to take relief at the nearest off the putting green. Relief may not be taken in a hazard.


No relief is available from damage if your ball does not lie on the putting surface.

2.        Out of Bounds – Right Hand Side of the 6th and 7th Holes

Out of bounds stakes are defined by white stakes, with black tops.

A golf ball will be considered out of bounds if all of it lies beyond the boundary edge of the golf course that has been defined by the Committee.


3. Players may take relief from kangaroo damage in bunkers (Rule 16)

Whilst in a bunker, if the player’s ball lies in or touches the damage, they may seek their marker’s approval for relief. If agreed upon, the player can:

  1. Identify their reference point that is no nearer the hole, before dropping their ball in the bunker within one club length of this location without penalty. Note, full relief must be taken from the abnormal course condition.




  1. Incur a one stroke penalty and drop their ball outside of the bunker. The player must keep the spot of the original ball between the hole and the spot where the ball is dropped. There is no limit on how far the ball may be dropped. (Rule 16.1c).


4.        No Play Zones – (Rule 16.1) – Hole 5, 6, 7, 8

All areas defined by treated pine bollards are considered no play zones (NPZ). This is to assist with the rejuvenation of recently planted vegetation. Players must, as agreed with the Players Marker, retrieve their ball and drop it at the nearest point of relief no closer to the hole.


In the instance that a player's ball cannot be located in the NPZ, please proceed as follows:


Rule 16.1e - Relief for Ball Not Found but in or on Abnormal Course Condition


If a player's ball has not been found and it is known or virtually certain that the ball came to rest in or on an abnormal course condition on the course, the player may use this relief option instead of taking stroke-and-distance relief:

*          The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b (General Area), 1c (Bunker) or 1d (Putting Green), using the estimated point where the ball last crossed the edge of the abnormal course condition on the course as the spot of the ball for purposes of finding the nearest point of complete relief.

*          Once the player puts another ball in play to take relief in this way:

       o  The original ball is no longer in play and must not be played.

       o  This is true even if it is then found on the course before the end of the three-minute search time (see Rule 6.3b).


But if it is not known or virtually certain that the ball came to rest in or on an abnormal course condition and the ball is lost, the player must take stroke-and-distance relief under Rule 18.2 (i.e. by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made).


5.        Preferred Lies on holes 1, 2, 4 and 9


As agreed with the Players Marker, when a player's ball lies in a (furrow) in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief by placing the ball one scorecard length away from the point of relief no closer to the hole.


Note: Divots are NOT considered to be furrows.


6.         Immovable Obstructions (e.g. Sprinkler Heads) close to Putting Greens - Line of Play Interference.

Rule 16.1b applies to immovable obstructions close to putting greens. In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists with an immovable obstruction if all of the following is true:

* It is on the players line of play, AND

* It is within two club lengths of the putting green, AND

* It is within two club lengths of the ball.

(Exception - There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable).





Temporary Local Rule resulting from course development.

7.   As a result of the current course construction activity, the mulch and timber debris areas associated with the construction adjacent holes 1 and 9 are to be treated as Ground Under Repair (GUR).

There are two options for relief once the player has conferred with their marker. The player may choose:

  • To drop their ball at the nearest point of relief no closer to the hole.




  • Drop their ball back in line with where the golf ball initially entered the abnormal course condition.


In the instance that a player’s ball cannot be located in the GUR, please proceed IAW Rule 16.1 e - Relief for Ball Not Found but in or on Abnormal Course Condition.